XL Reports - Bank Transactions


Bank Balances


A list of all bank accounts for all schemes with the latest balance.


Bank Listing


A list of all members with all of their bank accounts, showing bank, account name, account number, date opened and date closed. Main, RAS (Relief at Source), Rent Deposit, Fixed Term Deposit, Mortgage and Isolated accounts are identified. The signing powers are shown. The number of open cheque books held is shown (if you have stored these in the Asset Register with the bank account number).


Transactions Posted or Not Posted


Produces reports on transactions that have not been posted, with separate lists for each type of transaction, with the overview on a single sheet. There is an option to show Posted transactions as well and an option to show all Expected transactions on their own.


Transactions To Be Imported


Produces reports on transactions that have not been imported, with separate lists for each type of transaction.


Transaction Data


Various reports on transactions that have been made or not been made (initially for rent and tax relief on contributions).


Bank Reconciliations


The report is based on the statement frequency for each account stored in Omni’s ‘Bank, Bank Account’ screen. For monthly statements, it finds all bank accounts where the effective date of the latest reconciliation record is more than a month ago. For quarterly statements, it finds all bank accounts where the effective date of the latest reconciliation record is more than 3 months ago etc etc. It also shows the accounts where there is an unfinished reconciliation record within the month/quarter etc.


It also shows accounts where there are no reconciliation records at all.


Expected Transactions


Various reports on rent, loan payments and contributions not received – see Expected Transactions


Contribution Standing Instructions


Information about regular contributions is stored in the Members, Member Details screen on the Contributions tab. These ‘standing instructions’ are used to generate the expected bank transactions each month. This report lists the details of all standing instructions for regular contributions across all schemes (not the bank transactions themselves).


General Standing Instructions


Information about regular general bank transactions is stored via the ‘Bank, Entry’ screen using the ‘New/Amend Regular’ button. These ‘standing instructions’ relate to any type of payment except Contributions, Rent or Loans (which are produced independently) and are used to generate the expected bank transactions each month. This report lists the details of all standing instructions for general payments across all schemes (not the bank transactions themselves).


Term Deposits


A list of all fixed term deposits that are due to mature within a period. The period defaults to the next 2 months but any date can be selected. The report includes the latest balance on the account and the interest that is due to be paid on maturity. It is sorted by maturity date to show the next maturities first.



Match Internal Bank Transfers


A list of all schemes where the total amount of Internal Bank Transfers out of all bank accounts does not match the incoming Internal Bank Transfers. The amounts of each type of transfer are shown as well as the difference. All records before a selected date are ignored.


Match Syndicate Transactions


A list of all schemes where the total amount of Bank transactions between accounts in a syndicate record and accounts in the individual records do not match. The amounts and type of transaction are shown.


The Distributions paid from a syndicate should match the individual syndicate distributions.

The Redemptions paid from a syndicate should match the syndicate sales received in the individual schemes.

The amounts of subscriptions into a syndicate should match the subscriptions paid from the individual schemes.



Verify Pension Payments


A list of all pension payments where the Normal pension is negative or less than £10. The Normal pension is the total amount of pension less the pre 2006 part of the pension and all of the transfer in drawdown elements. This will highlight any reversals, some typing errors and any instances where the Normal pension is a trivial amount. All such payments made after April 2006 are shown.