Pensions – Trivial Commutation
of Trivial Commutation
are 2 types of trivial commutation:
1. The original trivial commutation where the member commutes all his
pension benefits across all schemes within a 12 month period
2. The provision for a scheme to pay a very small pot (originally less than
£2,000), independent of the member’s other pension benefits
sure you know the rules in RPSM for paying each type of payment and which type
of payment is being made (this affects the PAYE return).
Payroll – PAYE
If you use Omni’s PAYE module then
the trivial pension needs to be paid as a Manual Payment
(not through the bulk monthly run). This will calculate the tax due on the part
of the payment that is taxable in the normal way and store the PAYE details..
Bank Transactions
The bank transactions then have to entered
manually (the same as all Manual Payments). The lump sum and the net pension
need to be recorded as separate bank transactions. The bank transactions
category should be the normal Lump Sum and Pension (nothing special for Trivial
On the Members, Pension screen, in the
grid on the Benefits Payments tab, the description should be set to
LS’ for the lump sum part
Pen A’ for the pension if it is the member based commutation of all
Pen B/C’ for the pension if it is just the commutation of this scheme’s
The explanation of Trivial Pen B/C etc can
be found in the HMRC’s RTI reporting specification.
It is best for the FPS report for RTI to
be submitted for each person’s trivial commutation independently. This
will find that the pension payment on the date specified is a trivial pension
and implement the rules specific to trivial pensions. It has to report the
member as a new person on the PAYE scheme (if not already receiving a pension) and
then that they leave immediately the payment is made. The FPS has to report the
lump sum on which no tax was paid and so it is important that the lump sum bank
transaction has been posted and imported and the description set to ‘Trivial
LS’ before the FPS is run.
See also Pension Data