Omni – Pension Schemes Online


Various returns need to be made each year to HMRC, including APSS301 (SSAS Scheme Return) and APSS313 (SIPP Scheme Return).


The forms can be submitted manually by logging on to the HMRC website and typing all of the data into the screen boxes.


Alternatively, the main returns can generally be submitted by Omni electronically. Omni will be able to produce the return on screen and in paper (for user checking). It can then submit it electronically to HMRC when verified and store an electronic receipt.


It is envisaged that using Omni will be more popular as it will avoid the complicated analysis of each question for each scheme and reduces the risk of errors.


The details for SSAS and SIPP are different:


APSS301 for SSASs


APSS313 for SIPPs


See also -              Manual data
