XL Reports - Scheme

Year ends in Month (SSAS)

Shows all schemes with a company year-end in a month that you select.

Annual Statements Due (SIPP)

Shows all schemes with a scheme year-end in a month that you select.  Data can be sent to the Worklog and Diary if you subscribe to the Omni Worklog module – details.

Scheme Advisers

Shows all schemes with their advisers (accountant, solicitor etc).

List Year ends

Shows all schemes in year end order, starting with January (through to December).

List Schemes With Fund Value

Shows all schemes with the latest fund value stored in the Contributions and Funds screen (not an investment valuation).

User Defined Fields

Identifies all scheme fields that have defined by the user and lists all schemes with data in those fields.

Archived Data

This produces a report which shows all archived data.

Archived data will be split into one of the following categories:

Each category will be on a separate worksheet.

Scheme Data Missing

Allows missing data of various types to be identified across all schemes.

Administrator Analysis

Produces a list of all active administrators with the number of schemes allocated to them. Also produces a similar table for active consultants.

Deeds Dated Between …

All deeds across all schemes where the effective date is in the date range specified.

Docs Dated Between …

All documents across all schemes where the effective date is in the date range specified.

Schemes Wound Up

All schemes where ‘Date Scheme Ceased’ is non-blank are included, sorted by date scheme ceased.

Business Tracking

This shows all new schemes in each month, whether or not they are still active. It then shows schemes that have been lost.

Invoices Not Issued

The report goes through all schemes and finds the latest invoice sent for that scheme.

The effective date of the latest invoice (not necessarily the date issued) is found and if that date is more than a year ago, the scheme is added to the list.


If there have been no invoices for a scheme, the scheme is added to the list with a comment.


Schemes with status of Live and Pensioners are included (Property is excluded for now - do we store invoices for property schemes?).


Definitive Deeds

For each scheme, the latest deed with 'Defin' in the name is found. It is not case sensitive. It includes Definitive, First Definitive etc. If the latest such deed is after 05/04/2006 (A day), the details of the deed are sent to Excel. If the latest such deed is before A day, it just prints the scheme name and reference (and leaves the other columns blank).

Initial Scheme Audits

To identify which schemes have been fully set and all initial procedures have been completed, a list is produced of those schemes that have no ‘Start date’ or no ‘Date set-up approved’ entered. Only schemes with statuses of 'Live' and 'Pensioners' are included.

The ‘Date set-up approved’ is the date that all details have been received and the SIPP is completely set up.

Annual Statements Outstanding

1.     Annual Statements Due for completion (i.e. there is a date in the ‘Data Requested’ column of the ‘Scheme, Annual Statements’ screen, but no date in the ‘Statement Completed’ column). Includes all scheme statuses on basis that even those schemes wound up need to have annual statement completed.

2.     Annual Statements due over 13 months ago. Only filters on scheme status of 'Live' and 'Pensioners'. Provides schemes that have a latest ‘Year end’ in the Annual Statements grid over 13 months ago. Also lists the schemes that have no dates at all in the ‘year end’ column of that grid and have a scheme start date of more than 13 months ago.

HMRC Scheme List

If you have an inspection visit from HMRC they will ask for a list of all SSASs with the PSTR reference and the number of members. Members who have transferred out, had annuities bought or died are excluded, as well as archived members.

Registrar and Data Protection

A list of all schemes with their registration details for the Pensions Registrar plus the Data Protection Register details.

Data For Deeds

A schedule of the information needed to produce deeds, including the Principal Employer name and address, trustees names and addresses and dates of deeds. Previous trustees and companies are ignored.The schedule can be used to set up a merge data source for a deed template. Only the first 10 trustees are shown – manual adjustments are needed if there are more trustees for a scheme. There is a column which shows the number of trustees per scheme.