XL Reports –
A list of
all members whose status is Active or Deferred who are due to retire within the
dates specified. Any members without a normal retirement date are excluded
– these can be identified using ‘Member Data Missing’ on the
Member tab.
Pre Retirement Packs 1
FSA rules require SIPP operators to
provide Pre Retirement Packs to all members, 6 months before their intended
retirement date. These are also known as Open Market Options. The Pack 1 button
sets the date range to cover all retirements in the month which is 6 months
from the current month.
Pre Retirement Packs 2
A further letter has to be sent 2 months
before the member’s intended retirement date. The Pack 2 button sets the
date range to cover all retirements in the month which is 2 months from the
current month.
Pre Retirement Packs 3
To avoid packs being forgotten because an
Active member’s retirement date is in the past, the Pack 3 button sets
the date range to cover all retirement dates for active members in the past.
If you subscribe to the Omni Worklog
module, when you run the report you will be asked if you wish to add the
retirements to the Worklog. If so the records will be allocated to the
administrator chosen in the Administrator box.
GAD Limit Recalculations Due – separate
help file
Pension available
All members with status of
‘Pensioner’ are listed with date of birth, date pension started,
latest review date and latest pension. Details of the pension limits and the
balance available for the current year are also shown.
The normal filters are available. The
status filter can be set to ‘Live’ and ‘Pensioners’ to
avoid any ex-pensioners or tests being included. Archived members are
automatically ignored.
If there is no data in the Planned
Payments grid on the Pensioners screen and no pension has been paid this year,
Omni assumes that the members is in drawdown but not drawing income.
At the end, a summary shows the number of
Under 75 who are taking income
Under 75 who are not taking income
Over 75
total number of SIPP members (all statuses)
The percentages of total SIPP members in
each category are also shown.
Omni expects members who have funds in
drawdown but are not taking income to have a member status of ‘Lump sum
Taken But Not Pension’ or
‘Pensioner’. If this is not the case, then you will have to
identify these members by other reports e.g. Lump Sums Paid with Event Reports.
Pensioner Data
This report list all pensioners (filtered on the
member status being any type of pensioner) with data on the Planned Pension
Payments, Paying Bank Account, payment methods and the member’s receiving
bank account. It can take a while to produce.
This is the same as the Pensioner Data
report except:
it asks for
a start date i.e. for all members who left after a given date (it
defaults to 6th April in previous calendar year)
the list is
filtered on members with 'Date Pension Ceased' (from the Members, Pensions
screen) after the selected date but including all member statuses
column E is
changed from Date Pension Started to Date Pension Ceased
the report is
sorted on column E, Date Pension Ceased, with earliest first
Flexi Access
Flexible Drawdown (v14.2)
After selecting the end of a tax year, a list is
produced of all members with a date in the Flexible Drawdown box on the
Members, Pensions screen before that date, showing the total drawdown for the
selected tax year. The total drawdown is calculated from the pensions shown on
‘Benefit Payments’ tab where the date in the ‘Pay day’
column falls in the tax year. If this column is blank the pension payment is
ignore because Omni does not know which tax year the net pension and tax
relates to. If the fund has been exhausted, the date it was exhausted is shown.
Before running this report for the final
time, the users should check the country of residence for each Flexible
Drawdown member and update any changes from the previous tax year.
If a member has not drawn any pension in
the tax year, the member will still be included.
Members with a date in ‘Date Fund
exhausted’ that is before the start of the selected tax year, will still
be included in a section at the bottom of the report, with an explanation note.
Large Withdrawals
A list of all members who have drawn more
than a specified percentage over the previous 12 months.
FCA Withdrawal Analysis
A report showing the partial withdrawal data
required for the FCA’s quarterly returns. The withdrawals for each pensioner
are shown, followed by 2 matrices which show the average rates of withdrawal
broken down between age bands and also between bands based on the fund size.