XL Reports – Property


All Active Properties

A list of all properties, in scheme order, showing the main fields. Properties that have a ‘Date Sold’ are omitted.

All Tenants

A list of all tenants, in scheme and property order, showing the main fields stored on Tenants. Previous tenants and properties that have been sold are omitted.

Property Syndicates

A list of all syndicates showing the individual SIPPs that have an interest in the syndicate. The latest date that has been used to store the syndicate shares is shown, together with the SIPPs’ holdings.

Property syndicates are excluded when the ‘Date Ceased’ is entered. For details on property syndicates themselves, see Property Syndicates

Previous Property Syndicates

A list of all syndicates where the status has been set to “Ex-Syndicate”, showing the individual SIPPs that had an interest in the syndicate. The date the syndicate ceased is shown.

All Borrowing Data

It includes all Borrowing records where the Date Redeemed is blank.


The ‘Latest Value’ depends on the structure of each record. If there is a mortgage account linked to the Borrowing then the report uses the latest value on that bank account and the date for the value is the date that the report was run. Otherwise, it uses the latest ‘Amount Outstanding’ shown in the grid on the Repayment Details tab.

Borrowing Percentages


A list of all schemes with borrowing, showing the total borrowing, the net asset value and the borrowing as a percentage of the net asset value. An investment valuation of all schemes has to be carried out and so this report can take several minutes.


Properties Sold

A list of all properties where ‘Date Bought’ and ‘Date Sold’ are present. It is assumed that the purchase did not proceed for any property where there Date Bought is missing and Date Sold is entered.

Properties with No Tenants


A list of all properties stored in Omni (that have not been sold) where there is no current tenant. ‘Previous tenants’ are ignored. The notes from the property screen are also shown (so that you can see if there should not be a tenant e.g. property being re-developed).


Rent Reviews

A list of all rent reviews due in the specified period. If you subscribe to the Omni Worklog module, there is an option on the Settings screen in the main Omni module (System, Master User Options, Settings) which allows you to send records to the Worklog, When you run this report, Omni will ask if you want to add records to the Worklog.


Rent Reviews in Progress

This report is similar to the Rent Reviews report except that it will ignore rent reviews where the Date Completed is after the Rent Review date.


A list of all properties that have not been sold, including all of the fields in the Insurance box on the Responsibility tab on the Property screen.