Cancellation + Identity



SIPPs that have been cancelled – list all SIPP members where there is any date in the ‘SIPP Cancelled’ field.


SIPPs where cancellation rights were lapsed - list all SIPP members where there is a date in the ‘Date Cancellation Rights Lapsed’ field.


Transfers that were cancelled – list all transfers where there is a date in the ‘Date Transfer Cancelled’ field.


Notices not issued – First sheet in workbook is a list of all SIPP members where the ‘Date Cancellation Notice Issued’ on the ‘Members, Member Details’ screen is blank. The second sheet is a list of all transfers where the ‘Date Cancellation Notice Issued’ on the ‘Members, Transfer In’ screen is blank. The third sheet is a list of all members in drawdown where the ‘Date Cancellation Notice Issued’ on the ‘Members, Pensions’ screen is blank. A member is deemed to be in drawdown if the first pension payment for that member (imported or not) is in the date range specified or there is a Planned Payment record or a Planned Adjustment record in that range.


Full Cancellation log for all SIPPS – list of all SIPP members.


Members not Identified – list of all SIPP members where the ‘Date Identified’ is blank.


The Date Range for all the above reports can be set. By default, the period is set to the year ending at the end of previous month.