

Tenant details, rental data, information regarding the lease and responsibilities, and contact details can be stored on the tenant screen.


‘Expected Transaction Comment’. If anything is entered in this field it will be included in the Comments field for every expected bank transaction generated for this tenant. If nothing is entered in this field then the comment is built from the address of the property and the tenant’s name.


The rental tab stores details of the annual rent and the rent reviews. The annual rent details are used to generate the expected transactions which will be created based on the “Amount”, “Frequency” and “Date” values. The Amount value is set using the “New” or “Amend” buttons at the bottom of the Rental Review History grid.


Please note that it is the “Date” field within the "Annual Rent" section that sets the date for expected transactions NOT the date of the Rent Review.


The rent review details are used to track the progress of the current rent review. Once completed they can be reset, ready for the next rent review, using the “Update” button. This will also progress the “Due” date to the next due date based on the value of the “Frequency” field.



Billing Address


Sometimes the invoice for rent has to be sent to a different address from the property address e.g. for a large company the invoice may be sent to head office. If an address is entered here it is used for the rental invoice.


When an invoice is produced from the Bank Transactions screen, the address used is:

·         The billing address, or if that is not present,

·         The contact address, or if that is not present,

·         The property address