Other Income and Expenditure



When entering bank transactions the type of transaction has to be selected. Most types are imported to specific other screens (e.g. contributions and rent) but there are various types that are not imported.


The income transactions that are not imported are:


Int Bank Transfer

Investment Sale

Opening Balance

Other Income

Property Sale


VAT Refund


The expenditure transactions that are not imported are:


Bank Charges

Borrowing Payments

Closing Balance

Endowment Premiums


Int Bank Transfer

Investment Buy

Loan Advance

Other Expend

Property Deposit

Property Fees

Property Purchase


VAT Payment


These transactions can be viewed using ‘Investments, Other Income/Expend’. All records can be viewed or the records can be filtered on the above categories.


A description can be added to each transaction.


A description can be added or amended using the grid directly. Other information is amended in the related bank transaction. Records cannot be deleted from the Other Income/Expend screen but can be deleted by unposting and deleting the related bank transaction in the Bank Transactions screen.


The filtered data can also be sent to an Excel spreadsheet – the Income and Expenditure records are sent to different worksheets.