Commission – Scheme


Commission Received By SIPP Operator


The intentions behind the commission screens within Omni are to store any commission received by the SIPP operator. It is not intended that commission received by the member’s adviser is stored in Omni.


To activate the commission features, there is setting on the Miscellaneous tab on the Settings screen (System, Master User Options, Settings).


Commission For A Scheme


The main Commission screen (Investments, Commission), shows a list of all products/stocks held by the scheme, excluding properties and loans.


If a product is selected, all commission payments received from that product for the selected scheme are shown in the grid on the right. New payments can be entered in that grid or existing payments amended.


It is intended that bulk payments received from a product are entered globally.




All payments received from a product for the scheme can be sent to an Excel spreadsheet.


See also Global Commission